Bolt Biotherapeutics Case Study – Monotherapy

Time: 3:00 pm
day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day


  • Overview of the rationale behind exploring combination strategies at Bolt Biotherapeutics
  • Bolt is pioneering a new category of targeted immunotherapies that leverage the precision of antibody targeting with the activation of the innate and adaptive immune systems in the tumor microenvironment
  • BDC-1001 is a HER2 Boltbody™ ISAC that is currently in clinical development for the treatment of patients with HER2 positive colorectal, endometrial, gastroesophageal, and metastatic breast cancer
  • Utilizing our Boltbody™ ISAC approach and myeloid biology expertise, we have a built a robust pipeline of immune-stimulating, myeloid-engaging therapeutics
